Dimensions in kingdom living

Impact of POD in Africa

Publish4Africa is the supplier of the POD equipment for the Transforming Word Project in Memory of Jack R. Taylor
Niger is the third least literate country in the world and the sixth poorest place on the planet. Perennial droughts, jihadist terrorism, and rampant disease have made Niger a dangerous place to live and visit. Even against this bleak backdrop. The is HOPE—the Light of God is shining, and the Gospel is advancing. 

"An unexpected source has fueled this advance. Publish4Africa's print-on-demand system has changed the landscape of printed material for evangelism and discipleship. The Publish4Africa POD system is impacting lives spiritually and in practical ways:

  • JOB CREATION: Three full-time employees operate the POD, with another two jobs soon to be created. Personnel are able to use their God-given skills to support their families.

  • LOCAL AUTHOR DEVELOPMENT: Operating as a publishing service, African authors now have a forum to speak about issues in the Church from an African perspective.

  • SERVING THE GREATER MISSION COMMUNITY: With the initial purpose to print books in French, the POD has enabled other missions to produce training manuals for discipleship and evangelism. The Niger POD is printing in 8 languages.

  • A PROFITABLE BUSINESS: In 2021, 25,000 books had been printed with sales of over $56,000 In one of the poorest and least literate places in the world.

  • NEW INITIATIVES: The POD has opened doors for new initiatives to equip pastors as well as opportunities to partner with local churches and businesses to help nurture a love for reading and advance the Kingdom.

  • EXPAND OUR REACH: The POD has allowed our influence to grow exponentially as we can print a book today, and it can be in seven different countries within 48 hours. This has grown a network of like-minded church leaders and thinkers to strategize and mobilize with.

  • COUNTERING FALSE GOSPELS: Resources received by pastors and church leaders in West Africa are often filled with dangerous teachings of a false gospel. The POD allows doctrinally sound and affordable resources to be put into leaders'' hands. Each week, messages from brothers around West Africa are exclaiming their joy and excitement for knowing who God is, what the Gospel is all about, and what the mission of the Church ought to be.

"The Publish4Africa POD is having a massive impact, opening doors previously shut. It is expanding our reach even in a country where we can no longer travel outside of the capital. WE CAN STILL HAVE INFLUENCE with the Publish4Africa POD!”

—Mark and Parker Phillips, Missionaries to Niger, West Africa